Wednesday, November 24, 2004

i have always found the process of parenthood mentally intimidating. the babies and toddlers are fine. they are adorable and easy to handle even if it means having to change the diapers and wake up in the middle of the night. it is what happens after that stage which is terrifying. when they start to learn how to lie and hide stuff. then you have to constantly outhink, outfox and outmaneuver them. i know what they do are elementary stuff cuz we all have been there and done that. but sometimes dont u wish that we could just install the basic disciplines into their brain to save us all the anguish? then they'll do their homework without you having to sit beside them. you dont have to watch for body language if you suspect them of lying. if all these features are in place, wont parenting be a breeze?

sometimes we focus too much on the big picture and lose interest on the little things. sometimes, it's the little details that mean more. it might be anything from that little sigh, the fleeting glance or that one little word. and when you make someone's day because you paid more attention. that feeling is beyond explanation.

It's priceless.

*we dance for laughter, we dance for tears. we dance for madness, we dance for fears. we dance for hope, we dance for screams. we are the dancers, we create the dreams.

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