A drop of blood in a bowl of milk
recently i got to experience two extreme ends of human nature.
i finished reading The Timetraveller's Wife and the story was nothing short of heart-wrenching. with a love so strong that transcends time (literally), i wouldnt blame you if you started to believe in the world again.
it's really a great read and is different from the normal thrashy romance thingys. one precaution though, if you have tears, then prepare to shed them. but you would feel that the world is a better place after reading.
but alas, i have to go watch Closer.
yeap, so sigh with me.
the word love and everything good that was associated to it was destroyed by the movie. love was bandied around like a hot potato. one minute i love you, the next minute i love her but in the end i guess i love me most.
everybody fucks everybody and everybody wants to know if how many times the other body came. there is no choice but to deduce that love lasts only as long as the next great fuck.
it was one big love making story.
so at the end of the day, cynicism won hands down in the face of idealism.
maybe thats why The Timetraveller's Wife is a "great read" while Closer is a movie that "depicts real life".
*i feel so tired that i bought stapler without buying staplets.
i feel so tired that i missed my stop while i was standing on the train
i feel so tired that i almost threw my clothes in the bin instead of the washing machine.
i feel so fucking tired.
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