Saturday, October 22, 2005

FOOLS : The Gathering

Sometimes I don't understand how ridiculous people can get. I mean they are so lacking in brain juice that I want to pry open thier heads to see if they actually have brains or do their heads serve as glorified water bottles

Which I did.

These are some of the people whom drenched me in their brainless water when I split open thier heads.

1. Saddam Hussien

He started the trial by claiming he is still the president of Iraq.


It is almost sad to see the person who is smart enough to have numerous doubles to die in his place fall into such a self-delusional wreck. His list of accomplishments includes killing, forced expulsion, the imprisonment of people, torture and the failure to comply with international law. Heck, he single-handedly started the Gulf War.

I can see the logic in pleading innocence to the charges. If a man has to go, he has to go down fighting. But claiming he is still President?

If you are still the President, why don't you order the judge to resign and go home. Oh wait, you don't accept resignations, I heard you only accept death certificates.

Why is he facing a trial ANYWAY? I don't remember him granting any constitutional or human rights when he went on massacres.

A tragic car accident or a bullet in the head would have been much easier.

Maybe he got raped in the prison while bending down to take a bar of soap.


2. CNN

They have a poll asking readers if they think Saddam would have a fair trial.

Enough Said.

3. Asshole who moaned about service tax

When I say 'Asshole' I'm using it loosely because I can't really find a word to describe a person who has the balls to try and bitch and whine about service tax and he didnt have to pay since he recieved no service.

By saying that he received no service, I deduced a few things.

1. He seated himself.

2. He went to the counter to get the menu.

3. After making his choice, he made his way to the counter and ordered himself.

4. Subsequently, he paid and took his orders himself and returned to his table.

My apologies if I have to show the step-by-step guide on what to do at fast-food restaurants.

But I begged his pardon and listed the things I did.

1. I brought him the menu and told him which is the food menu and which is the drink menu.

2. I took his order while he settled his ass on the chair.

3. I brought him an ash tray without him asking.

4. I SERVED him his drinks.

5. I provided cutlery and napkins while he seated and waited for his food to be SERVED.

6. I SERVED him his burger.

5. I brought the bill to his table to save him the trouble of walking.

Oh he paid alright but what I dont understand is why are these people acting like they have durian shells up their asses about service charge? You know damn well that there is a service charge when you entered. So what is all the FUCKING hoo-hah about?

And please do not launch in a tirade about how the service was crap and below-par and thus there is no need to pay. Well eat shit and die asshole, because technically you were SERVED.

I hope he returns so I can provide him with excellence service.

I can't wait.

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