I am 3 months overdue for a post. But hey, who's complaining? At least finally I have decided to engage myself in some fruitful literature after months of following orders. Contrary to popular belief, my brains remain intact as I continue to churn out thought-provoking insights that will leave you scratching your head. Thank god for that.
The other day I was out with my chums, who by the way again commented about my very non pro-active stance towards them, when we started talking about our most common subject.
National Service.
I'm sorry did I just annoy you? You should look at thsi from my point of view. Did you know how many times i instinctively pressed the 'spacebar' just to type that sentence above?
ANYWAY, I digress.
Supposedly the fullstops are meant to link the three words together. Dont ask me how. They just do. While we were talking animatedly about NS, I felt a chilling image crawling insidiously into the back of my mind. Careful not to betray my outward serenity, I used every ounce of will to push it into the deep dark recesses of my mind.
Remember when we were in poly, we told ourselves we will not become boring NS boys who only talk about NS and proceed to bore women to tears. Sorry chums, we are one of THEM now. To quote the famous Gandalf the White, "We have become what we had swore to destroy."
However, somethings never change. Like we would always never fail to go to a creative (notice the lack of a capital "C") booth when we visit IT shows.
And while we are on the topic of never changing...

Picture says a thousands words and I have ranted about this too many goddamned times.
A million things to do and all I can think of is you. *wink
My take is that National Service is our LIFE now, we eat, breath, sleep NS. Therefore, it's almost impossible not to talk about it.
It's nice for some things not to change what. Like the good old days where we will skip some stupid boring class to go on the first day of the IT Show to beat the crowd. And Creative is with a capital "C", thank you very much.
jmmmmmmmmmmmmm! i've missed you! hmm i bet the one ur thinkin of aint me. *wink
ahh and yes, i still feel your essence in your posts! good to have you back dahling.
hey hey heyyy!! welcome back! :)
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