Wednesday, December 08, 2004

i remember
a long time ago
you and me
at the crossroads
eyes locked
unspoken words linger
in the air

one deep breath
and i'm gone
walking down the road
that is so different
from yours

your distress
haunt me
and i falter

your tears
they touch me
and i feel myself
going back
to the place
where we've swore
never to visit
ever again

i see cracks
in you
at places
that never
existed before

that never
have been there

what happened
to the person
i used to

what happened
to the person
i have come
to miss?

wipe away
the tears
so that
my footsteps can
be steady again

be back
who you were
so that
i can walk away

if not for
anything else
then do it
for me

for me
because you owe me that

*wish i could be, every little thing you wanted..

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