Thursday, December 11, 2003

Dear blog,
somebody..anybody..please save me from this godforsaken place. I do not think I can continue this ardous journey of boredom any longer. For those who have no idea what I am rambling about, I am currently trapped at our always neighbourly neighbour state, our dear malaysia. To be specific their goddamned capital, Kuala Lumpur! For those who say that I MIA please understand the situation I am facing here. Internet connections are not taken for granted in this wonderful country, I have to walk(ok, my dad drove me) some distance before I can find a cafe that provides Internet connections. So, here I am sitting in unfamiliar territory and secretly blogging..Nothing of interest happen though, got trapped in a hellhole mostly..Period..

Will be back in a few days, I really hope I can pull through. Finally, can someone please save me?

"I'm fighting back emotions that I've never fought before, cuz I'm not supposed to love you anymore.."

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