Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Dear blog,
there seems to be quite a debate a what truly is love. So here is my two cents worth.

Since the beginning of time, the meaning of love has encountered numerous contradictions. Some say that "love sees all", whereas some say "love is blind". Some believe that the path of love is full of adventure and you eventually end up "happily ever after". Others feel that the path of love is a journey they would rather shun away. They say that the journey will shatter your very soul, and even if you manage to remain intact throughout the journey, the disappoontment of realising that there is nothing called love at the end of the journey will kill you. Some say that you learn from your previous lessons. You get wiser, more mature and more careful the next time around. However, i beg to differ. It's in fact because that you get wiser and more mature thats why you would think twice before dabbling into this game of love. Because in the game of love, the stakes are high and there are no winners, only losers. I cringe when i hear dedications of naive people on the radio proclaiming their undying love for each other. I mean can anyone stand up and say that they truly love someone? Love is such a great emotion beyond anyone's comprehension and grasp. Do people know what they are saying when they say " I Love You"? Or has this phrase been used so many times that the true significance is gone? I feel love is something unreachable and distant. Maybe even fictitious. I look forward to the day when someone can really tell me what it is like to truly love someone. But then again, the existence of love is very much in question...

I believe that in order to feel hurt, there should be feelings involved. So, how can i hurt you when there is no feelings involved from you?..no offence. Just an honest observation.

"Every few nights or so you pop into my dreams, I just can't get rid of you like you got rid of me."

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