"People come into our lives and walk with us a mile, and then because of circumstance they only stay a while. They serve a need within the days that move so quickly by, and then are gone beyond our reach, we often wonder why. God only knows the reason that we meet and share a smile, why people come into our lives and walk with us a mile."
do you ever wonder why some people just gradually fade out of your life? like the train, they sit with you for awhile and leave when they arrive at their stops. you may see them again tomorrow on the same train but then again, you may never see them again. years down the road, you may recall this incident and blame yourself for not trying enough to get to know this person. it may not be any fault of yours. maybe you tried making small talk to the person. maybe you talked about your family, where do you work, stay etc. but when you turn and look expectanly at that person, he or she mumbles something inaudible and gets off at the next station. what do you do then? there's nothing you can do i guess. yes, you would be hurt, you would feel let down. but people may have their reasons in behaving this way, there's no point being judgemental when you do not know everything. moreover, whoever said life was happy?
make small talk with the person beside you, smile and laugh and even snuggle a little closer, but bear in mind that they may be getting off at the next station. do not take it personally if they leave abruptly. they have to.
"The world will always be cruel, but it never seems that way unless you face it alone." but you are alone.
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