Everyone faces the world with their own facade of pretensions. maybe some time along the way, people tried to take down their masks and try to be who they are. but they realised too quickly and cruelly that honesty and sincerity are not that vogue in the real world after all. so the masks return. they start to walk the walk and talk the talk. they smile but are they really smiling? or is it just a more polite way to tell you to get lost? you want to reach out, but the door just slams in your face. it seems so helpless. exasperation fills you but then you realized that you are not that innocent too. who knows that if the person they see is really you or just another person wearing a costume performing on a stage we call world. maybe masks and pretensions are justifiable. people may have their reasons for doing so. but it is unforgivable if you think you can take another person for a ride and escape scot-free.
keep the mask on. it may not be that bad a thing after all.
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