Thursday, September 23, 2004

my tolerance hangs by a thread. i have no idea why is this happening. being made the butt of jokes is totally fine with me, even calling names. but there is a point when i feel that it has all become degrading and irritating. maybe it is your version of a joke or what but i seem to remember that i have never, never sold you out, hurt you or anything of that sort. by now shouldn't you realise that there is only so much i can take? it has come to a point when i feel all of it was made as a personal attack. i may be wrong, but i dont know what to expect now. what happened to before? i know things have changed but i did not. have you? because it wasnt like this. being made the butt of jokes is one thing, being degraded is another thing altogether. it may actually be a joke and i'm just not sporting enough. maybe. but everyone has their limit. and for me, you of all people should know, the limit is here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

being ambitious is one thing. being overly unreasonale is another.

Monday, September 20, 2004

I am deserted.
I am the desolate.
I am boxed by your starkness.
I am dysfunctional.
I am deluded.
I am dying inside.
Please stop your hurting me.
Please stop your hating me.
Please stop observing me.

"Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Thank The Heavens

laugh, scream, cheer, sing or whatever. because Denise Keller is finally on FHM cover. what took you so long Denise? denise keller's on FHM! denise keller's on FHM!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

you know you seldom voice out significant and notable opinions and comments. heck, you don even voice them sometimes. but when you do, you're just like everybody else. you hope thatyour views and inputs are heard and given a relevant feedback, be it negative or positive, you dont care. as long as there is evidence that your views are received. you dont think your opinions deserve to be overruled, overlooked or more crudely put, completely ignored, till you actually have to demand for feedback. people have to realise that its not just about them them them to the point that you dont really see the point of trying to contribute anymore. many times you are fine with it, but there are times when frustration is just too much to handle. maybe all you should do is shut up and not your head.

yeah, sounds good.